
Duty to inform acc. § 5 Abs. 1 E-Commerce-Law (Austria) and disclosure requirements acc. § 25 Media Law (Austria)

Candera GmbH
Object of the Company: IT and Software Services
VAT-number: ATU 64653538
Commercial register number: FN313602f
Court of jurisdiction: Landesgericht Linz
Company Location: 4020 Linz

Contact Data

Candera GmbH
Semmelweisstraße 34
4020 Linz

Phone: +43-732-90305-0
Fax: +43-732-90305-100
E-Mail: cgistudio@candera.eu

Parent company:

KAGA FEI Co., Ltd.

100-45, Shin-Yokohama 2-chome, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

Tsuyoshi Tsukamoto
Yokohama, Japan

Branch offices:

Candera GmbH
Röntgenstraße 37
71229 Leonberg

Candera America Inc.
1776 S Jackson Street, Suite 603
Denver, CO 80210

Member of: WKO
Professional regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Inspecting authority: Linz
Occupational title: IT-Services
Legal country: Austria
Managing Director: Reinhard Füricht

Legal information

Please note the following legal provisions regarding this site: This web site may contain references to property rights and information on copyrights, the compliance of which is mandatory. This shall particularly apply to logos, images, sound files and videos. Downloading, printing and storing files from this web site is permitted for exclusively private use. Any other application shall be subject to the express permission of CANDERA GmbH. CANDERA GmbH shall assume no liability for data loss or other technical impingements that arise from downloading data from this web site. CANDERA shall assume no liability for the content of any Internet sites linked to the content of this web site.

Editorial policy

This website contains company- and product-related information for the general public, customers and investors of CANDERA. In addition to this current news from the company are published on this site.

Photos: Candera GmbH, Hausrugger Photography, Fotolia, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Freepik