Linz, Austria, 26. April 2024. Candera presented CGI Studio 3.13 on a vast variety of GUIs: From HMIs for smart homes, cars, bikes, medical devices, and industrial automation applications –showing how Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) can easily and quickly be created for a wide range of applications.


Candera presented GUIs reaching from a Smart Home washing machine with ‘Guided Maintenance’ features in spectacular 3D design to medical demos highlighting CGI Studios capacities in safety-relevant fields. Making these applications possible are the latest versions of Candera’s high performing HMI tool, CGI Studio 3.12 and CGI Studio 3.13 with the award-winning Smart Importer.

 Fig. 1: Candera’s booth in hall 4 of Embedded World

Smart Homes: Candera HMIs on low-end and high-end devices

Candera presented its latest “Smart Home” Washing Machine with high-end 3D effects. Highlights include the “Guided Maintenance” feature, supporting the user visually by showing the cause of the problem, for example to replace an old filter or connecting to the service hotline, if professional help is necessary.

While the wide screen Washing Machine demo was running on ST Microelectronic’s STM32MP1 on the Candera booth, its sister demo was presented the ST Graphics Wall showing what can be done on smaller devices, such as the STM32U5 series with NeoChrom.

Fig. 2: ST Micro and Candera’s sister Smart Washing Machine demos on STM32 devices


Industrial Applications: Stay in control
Industrial HMIs, be it for machine operations, maintenance panels, logistics management or warehousing, can help avoid costly mistakes, speed up the on-boarding process of new operators and reduce maintenance costs.

At Embedded World, Candera showed how advanced Human Machine Interfaces for Industrial Applications combine usability with brilliant GUIs to ensure users stay in control.

Fig. 3: Candera’s Industrial Automation demo with advanced 3D features


A second Industrial HMI by Candera was presented on ST Microelectronics GUI Partner Wall:


Candera @ partners’ booths

Candera’s partners also appreciate CGI Studio’s reliability and variability. Among them ST Microelectronics, Raspberry Pi, Hy-Line, and Conze, all of whom presented demos either by or in cooperation with Candera at their booths during Embedded World.


ST Microelectronics, for example, used the latest STM32MP2 MCU to present Candera’s “Robotic Teaching” demo. By touching and adjusting the joints of the 3D robot on the GUI, users and re-adjust complex movement patterns of the real robot, save the pattern and check it in re-play.

Fig.4 Candera’s Washing Machine and Robotic demos at ST Microelectronic’s “Graphics Partner Wall”


Conze presented 3 demos made with CGI Studio, on of them the “Blood pressure” with a beating 3D heart at its core. Raspberry Pi included Candera’s HMI for an electronic motorbike with high-end 3D features in its navigation system on their booth.

Fig.5: Candera’s demos at e.g. Raspberry Pi (Electronic Motorbike) and Conze (Blood Pressure) booths during Embedded World 2024


Candera’s award-winning Smart Importer: HMI creation made easy
Based on innovative AI-detection technologies, Candera’s Smart Importer speeds up the whole HMI creation process. While other HMI design tools require the user to import each single element and add functionality to them one after another, Candera’s Smart Importer will do a direct import of a design file and enrich it with functionality automatically.

Fig.6: Candera’s Smart Importer makes HMI creation easy


Users can import graphics files from Adobe Photoshop®, Sketch, Axure RP, Figma or Adobe XD into CGI Studio. Relevant components like gauges, sliders, buttons, and many more are automatically detected, and the most probable functionality can be added to each element.


For more of CGI Studio’s highlight features such as text size verification, dynamic lists with snap function, additional 3D Primitives, rotate and zoom functions in the CGI Studio Player, or support for vector graphics, click here.



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